Why Baby Teeth Matter

 In Kids Dentistry

A lot of people assume that since baby teeth are temporary, they don’t need to be checked or treated if there’s a problem. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Starting your children on a consistent oral hygiene routine at an early age is one of the best ways you can encourage them to grow into adults that prioritize their oral health.

Part of this is bringing your children to visit their kids dentist early – we recommend setting up your first dental visit before their first birthday. Not only does this introduce them to the pediatric dentist and show them that it’s nothing to fear, but it also gives your dentist the opportunity to check out how their teeth and gums are developing and identify any problems early on, before they turn into more serious problems that require invasive treatments.

Cavities in children can often be avoided, as they’re most often caused by plaque buildup that erodes the tooth over time. If this plaque is discovered early during a visit to your pediatric dentist in Oakville, it can often be removed before it has the chance to cause any lasting damage.

How do I know if my child has a cavity?
There are many signs and symptoms of cavities. If your child complains of any of these, it’s time to make an appointment with the team at Kids Corner Medical and Dental. They’ll examine your child’s mouth, gums and teeth and likely take some x-rays to see what’s happening beneath the gumline.

Here are the symptoms to look for:

• Pain when eating or drinking
• Increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods or drinks, or breathing in cold air
• Pain when biting

My child has a cavity in one of their baby teeth. What now?
If you’ve brought your child to visit their pediatric dentist in Oakville and have been told they have a cavity, try not to worry – this happens all the time. Depending on the size, severity, and location of the cavity, your pediatric dentist will likely recommend one of these three treatment options:

1. Sealant. Dental sealants are a non-invasive way to fill in a cavity without much pain or discomfort for your child. They work well to stop the cavity and decay from progressing any further.
2. Fillings. This is what typically happens when adults have a cavity, and the process is very similar for children with their baby teeth. When a cavity is filled, the dentist will remove the area of the tooth that has decayed and replace it with a filling. Fillings can be made from a variety of materials ranging from porcelain to metal.
3. Crowns. This is not a common treatment option for children but may be recommended if there is significant decay in the baby teeth. A crown is like a prosthetic tooth made of stainless steel or white acrylic that fits over the existing tooth to protect it from further damage.

If you’re concerned your child may have a cavity, call our team at Kids Corner Medical & Dental in South Oakville to book an appointment today. Our office is conveniently located on Cornwall, just West from Ford Drive. We look forward to hearing from you.

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